On Saturday 11 May 2024, the Hotel La Rose Blanche in Abidjan hosted the second meet-up of phase 2 of the YOUTH JOB programme. The programme was initiated by Youth Education and supported by the German Development Cooperation through the Invest for Jobs project.

Under the theme "From civic commitment to employment", this meet-up brought together a large and enthusiastic audience. The panellists, Ms Monie K. TCHRIFFO, CEO of EmergeLead and project manager, and Mr Amara SOUMAHORO, manager of Société d'Intermédiation Marketing (SIM) and promoter of the "Ya du Boulot au Pays" programme, shared their respective career paths and highlighted the close link between civic commitment and employment. Inspired by the speakers' presentations, the beneficiaries of the YOUTH JOB programme showed their interest in getting more involved in civic action.

As part of the YOUTH JOB programme, Youth Education has included a project called "Ma commune, Ma solution", which aims to enable beneficiaries to find concrete solutions to the problems encountered in their respective communes and thus become socially involved.

In addition to the testimonies of the panellists, the participants were also able to hear the stories of Mr Franck GOZE, Founder of Youth Education, and Mr DJIBRILLA, Financial Director of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Cocoa Initiative, who illustrated the impact of civic engagement on their professional careers and personal lives. Questions were then put to the panellists, followed by words of thanks and gratitude to Youth Education and GIZ for this opportunity to build capacity and share experiences.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the participants, panellists and our partners for their contribution to the success of this event.

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  •   (+225) 27 22 498 133 / (+225) 07 79 706 929

List of countries where Youth Institution For Education is represented

