Yes, at Youth I learned to control my anger, at Youth I learned to love and respect everyone regardless of age or sex, at Youth I learned to give to others without expecting anything in return.
After Bouaké and San-Pedro, it's in Abidjan, precisely at the La Rose Blanche hotel in Cocody Angré, that the International Youth Organization Youth Education and its center AY Solutions - Centre d'incubation et d'insertion des jeunes officially launched, this Friday March 07, 2025, the 5th cohort of the 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗝𝗢𝗕 program. This initiative aims to combat unemployment among #younggraduates by providing them with key skills to better integrate into the job market.
For the year 2025, 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗝𝗢𝗕 plans to build the capacities of 250 young graduates across Côte d'Ivoire, targeting three main cities, namely Bouaké, San-Pedro and Abidjan, with a view to facilitating their employability. The program is initiated and piloted by the International Youth Organization Youth Education through its AY Solutions Center - Centre d'incubation et d'insertion des jeunes with financial support from the “Decent Employment Special Initiative for a Just Transition”, implemented among others by GIZ Côte d'Ivoire, operating under the “Invest for Jobs” brand.
Over a period of 06 months, beneficiaries will follow a comprehensive training program covering technical skills (English, digital tools), soft skills (stress management, teamwork), as well as practical modules on job search and other cross-disciplinary subjects. What's more, they will be offered personalized support to increase their chances of accessing high-quality professional opportunities.
In his speech, Youth Education Founder Franck Gozé stressed that this edition marks a major step forward, insofar as the year 2025 is the beginning of a dream come true, with the extension of the 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗝𝗢𝗕 program to San-Pedro and Bouaké. The ambition is to roll it out nationwide to offer every young person a chance of successful professional integration and empowerment.
Mr. Sanga Samuel, Technical Advisor for the Invest for Jobs program in Côte d'Ivoire, reaffirmed his support for the initiative: “We firmly believe in the success of this national challenge, thanks to the discipline, dynamism and expertise of Youth Education. This is why we are renewing our support for a 3rd cohort of the program.”
During the ceremony, Franck Gozé also gave a detailed presentation of the program to participants, before giving way to masterclasses led by trainers Acquilas Yao, Georges Yao and Stéphane Tchriffo. These sessions enabled the young people present to acquire valuable knowledge and gain an insight into the quality of the training courses ahead.
The launch of 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗧𝗛 𝗝𝗢𝗕 in Abidjan thus brings to a fitting close a series of launches, following those in Bouaké and San-Pedro. This nationwide extension of the program is a crucial new phase in Youth Education's commitment to reducing youth unemployment in Côte d'Ivoire.
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#YouthJob #Youtheducation #AySolutions #InvestForJobs #GIZ #Abidjan #Bouaké #SanPedro
Yes, at Youth I learned to control my anger, at Youth I learned to love and respect everyone regardless of age or sex, at Youth I learned to give to others without expecting anything in return.
Before Youth, I thought that the main thing to help others was to have a fortune. With Youth, I understood that a presence, a word or a smile was more important; the most important thing is to have love for others and the will to give without expecting anything in return.
Courage, never give up, with effort there is the reward ..., let us work with abnegation and relentlessly.
Investing in others through Youth Institution is the best decision I have made. Today, my life has a meaning, I feel useful for my country and for Africa.
Youth is a family close to my heart because it taught me the gift of self without condition, moreover all the ideas count therefore I trust myself more. I am proud to be a Youtheur.
I see Youth as a large organization, which will be an example, a model, a benchmark for other institutions; the institution that will make the difference by its singularity, and I intend to give myself body and soul with the help of all so that we can get there.
Be conscious of our values and skills. Be responsible so that you can take care of yourself.
My adventure at Youth remains one of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life; certainly it allowed me to rediscover myself but above all to show my love for God through self-giving.
Before I was very lonely, integrating youth allowed me to learn to work in a team and have easy contact.
I learned to surpass myself and be more disciplined because I am aware that my members look at me and act according to my behavior. I try my best to be an example. My leadership woke up with Youth Institution for Education.
Very sincerely the Youth project is close to my heart and I think about it every day. It's very complicated to juggle between work, family and Youth meetings or concerns, but it's all a question of organization, love and will.
Youth pass, but actions remain, let's make sure we take the necessary actions to positively impact our generation, we do our part with Youth for Education.
We are a family fighting for a noble cause. However alone or accompanied I will always be Youth. Committed, available and determined.
My dream is to have an institution through which we could revolutionize this world through a change of mentality.
We are like the 3 guys on our logo because no matter the difficulties we always stay together with the same determination and eyes fixed on the future.
I feel more responsible, my habits have changed a lot including my posts on social networks, those who usually watch them can testify.
I have a sense of accomplishment when I serve others. Like the hummingbird I do my part for a more aware and committed generation.
A breakthrough, a change, before Youth I was centered on my person, after Youth it is more for the others not necessarily for me, I developed self-giving. My motivations are as follows: Refusal of mediocrity, Restoration the image of the young African, Self-giving.
Life is like a puzzle game in which each youngster must know how to place his piece in order to achieve a better world.
My leitmotif is the change of mentality, the collective awareness for us youth of our potential in order to take control of our future.
I want to give the best version of me to this project. I think that when we do good, we don't need a return, the law of compensation will do it. I would like to give happiness on a large scale with Youth.